Getting to School
Bus Routes
We provide bus transportation for:
- Non-transfer elementary students living 1.5 miles or more from their school; and
- Non-transfer middle school or high school students living 2 miles or more from their school.
Buses may arrive up to 15 minutes after the scheduled stop time. Students should remain at the stop up to 15 minutes after the scheduled stop time. If students wait longer than 15 minutes, call 918-833-8100.
Find your bus route
Select a school
Who do I call if my child has not returned home from school on time?
- First call your child’s school
- If you do not get an answer, call transportation at 918-833-8100
- Note: buses may run 10-minutes after the posted stop time
Who do talk to about transportation for students with special needs?
- Call our special needs transportation representative at 918-833-8148 or
- Note: There is a 3-5 day processing window for all new applications
Learn about SAFESTOP
Parents have enough to worry about. SafeStop puts key information at the fingertips of Tulsa Public Schools parents and families, so you won’t spend time or energy wondering, “Where’s the bus?”
Security is priority one, especially where student information is concerned. All parent information is password protected within the app to prevent unauthorized people from accessing any student bus information.
- View a real-time, map-based bus locator
- Guarantee parent and student information privacy
- Create custom zones for each stop and school
- Receive email alerts and push notifications
- Available on smartphones and tablets
- Download the SafeStop app from the App Store or Google Play.
- Enter the school access code. (5C001)
- Enter your child’s unique Student ID.
- Select the bus or route name based on school communications preference you wish to track.
- Create alert zones around drop-off and pick-up points.
You’re all set! You will be able to track the movement of the bus during active route times and receive notifications when the bus enters your custom alert zone(s).
If you have any questions or need assistance, call our customer service center at (918)833-8100.
Arrival Procedure
- Classes BEGIN at 7:30 am; PLEASE BE ON TIME
- Doors open at 7:00 am; students will report to the cafeteria for breakfast between 7-7:25. The breakfast line closes at 7:25; students arriving after that time will receive Breakfast-in-a-Bag that they will take with them to the classroom. Teachers will take students to class at 7:25 from the cafeteria using line procedures. Students who are late will pick up a breakfast in the cafeteria and will take it to class along with their tardy pass.
- Students are considered tardy at 7:31 a.m. Students arriving at 7:31 and later will enter the office doors for a tardy pass. Students arriving after 8:00 must be walked in by the parent/guardian.
Dismissal Procedure
- After-School Program: students enrolled in our After-School Program will be picked up by 5:00 by the designated parent or guardian
- Walkers: will be released at 2:35 and will be expected to leave the premises
- Bus Riders: will be loaded at 2:30
- Car Pick-Up: parents will enter through the side entrance on Yorktown and pick up their child at the front of the school. Parents, please stay in your car; we will use the walkie-talkie to call your student out of the building
- Late Pick-up: please call the office if you will be picking up your student late due to an emergency.
Important: order of contacts if we have not heard from you and are unable to reach you:
- Student calls parent
- School calls parent
- School calls approved emergency contacts
- School calls Campus Police
- School calls DHS
District Policy: School ends each day at 2:35 Any child left unattended and without notice after 30 minutes is subject to being surrendered to the Tulsa Public Schools Campus Police Department or the Tulsa Police Department and will be recorded as a Child in Need of Supervision with a referral to the Department of Human Services.
**Please make every effort to be on time picking up your student(s); call the School at 918-746-8760 if you are having an emergency situation that is causing your delay.
Early Release
- Students will not be released after 2:00 except in the case of an emergency. Students miss valuable information at the end of every school day!
- Early release is only allowed in the case of a medical/family/student/weather emergency. If, in the event an early release is absolutely necessary, the guardian must sign the student out in the main office; procedures will be strictly adhered to:
- Per district policy, the adult picking up the child must be on the student’s emergency contact list – it is critical that you keep these updated. If the parent/guardian is not the individual picking up the student, the parent must call the Main Office to inform them of the emergency contact person who will be picking your child up; the clerk will confirm at that time that the adult is on the emergency contact list; a new emergency contact will not be allowed to be added over the phone
- In addition, the adult picking up the child, per district policy, must have photo identification (i.e. Driver’s license, workplace ID, college or career school ID, etc.). It will be checked every time your child is picked up prior to the end of the school day.
- Abuse of Early Release will be addressed on a case by case basis with administration
- Daily attendance in public school is required.
- Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. will need to be accompanied by an adult into the office, providing the clerk the reason for tardiness.
- If your child cannot come to school, report the absence by calling the main office and report the reason for the absence before 8:30 a.m. The phone number for the main office is 918-746-8760
- Poor Attendance Outcomes: If you do not contact the school, the absence will be considered an unexcused absence. Frequent tardies and absences affect your child’s academic progress and self-esteem. Additionally, a high frequency of tardies and/or absences may cause your student to be reported to the district Truancy Officer, resulting in a Court appearance and fines. Lastly, students with excessive absences may be dropped from after school programming or refused transfer at the end of the year.
- Absence Reporting on Power School: for an absence to be considered Excused (marked E) a doctor’s note or other documentation is required. If a parent calls in to report an absence but does not provide documentation, it will be marked with a W (with explanation). If no documentation or phone call is provided, the absence will be marked with an A.
- Student illness. If a student is absent, make every effort to provide a doctor’s note
- Death in the family or family emergencies
- Head lice removal—2 days are considered “explained”; days after that will be considered unexplained
- Students with regularly scheduled appointments or frequent absences will be asked to show an appointment card or bring a doctor’s note; please make every effort to set appointments AFTER school.
- Students who have several consecutive unexcused absences will be automatically dropped from enrollment. When the student returns to school after a 10 day unexcused absence, a parent must take a proof of address to the Enrollment Center and re-enroll the student. If the student is at the school on a transfer, this may affect whether or not the child will be allowed to return the following school year.
- Tardy - Reporting to school at 7:31 and after, constitutes tardy
- Truancy - Failure to report to school without a valid excuse or skipping school constitutes truancy
Opening Bell | 7:30 a.m. |
Dismissal Bell | 2:35 p.m. |
Contact Us
McClure Elementary
1770 E. 61st St
Tulsa, OK 74136